ponedeljek, 10. februar 2014

#6 teden/ #6 week

Pa smo pri malenkostih, ki sem jih ustvarila v 6 tednu. Večina teh stvari bom uporabila za druge projekte, ki jih bom delala, saj imam rada dodatke na razpolago, ko se lotim  česa zahtevnejšega.

I will show you all the little things that I created in week 6. Most of these things I will use for other projects that I'm working because I love accessories available when I start work something that takes more time. 

Naredila sem dve pahljači iz scrapbook papirja in čipk. Ta izdelek sem videla na YT kanalu od Jennings644.

I did two fans from scrapbook paper and lace. I sam this tutorial on YT channel from Jennings644.

Video tutorial: Cute Miniature Fans Tutorial

Nato sem se poigrala z izdelavo različnih rožic. Vse so iz papirja. Razen desna bela pa iz blaga, stare majice.

Then I played with making different flowers. They are all made ​​of paper. Apartfrom the right white, which is made out of an old T-shirt.
Nato sem naredila še nekaj rožič iz čipke in organze. Beli čipkasti zgledajo v živo veliko lepše, kot na sliki. Tudi ta tutorial sem si ogledala na Jennings644.

Than I did some flowers out of organza and lace. This tutorial I also find on Jennings644 channel.

Video tutorial: Stunning Shabby Chic Flowers

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