sreda, 15. januar 2014

Predelan okvir/Altered frame

Približuje se valentinovo, zato sem se odločila, da predelam okvir za fotografije in sicer s pridihom valentinovega. Okvir je lesen in pred predelavo bel. Nanj sem s pomočjo mad podga nalepila scrapbook papir s srčki, ker pa so bili srčki premočno izpostavljeni, sem papir premazala z belo akrilno barvo in s pomočjo mokre brisačke odstranila večina bele barve.

So the countdown to Valentines day had started and I decided to altered a picture frame in a touch of Valentines. The frame is wooden and before the altering process it was white. With a help of mod  podge I glued scrapbook paper with hearts because the hearts were to exposed, I painted the frame with white acrilic paint and then using wet towel I removed most of the white.

Dodala sem črne bisere in tri bele rožice, ki sem jih narahlo distressala z distress inkom vintage photo.

I added black half pearls and three white flowers, which I have slightly distressed with distress ink vintage photo.
Na diagonalni konec sem dodala tri rozaste rože, bisere in stickpin z metuljčkom.

On the diagonal end I added three pink flowers, pearls and stickpin with butterfly.

Prijavljam se na naslednje izzive/ I'm entering in the following challenges.

Craft my life - all crafts challenge december january 

Altered Eclectics - anything goes 

7 komentarjev:

  1. Čudovito si predelala ogledalo.Všeč mi je,da si dodala rožice.
    Pozdravček Urška

  2. ooo kako čudovit okvir si naredila! Prav vse mi je všeč :-))
    Hvala, ker se igraš z nami pri "Craft my life" in srečno!

  3. This is so pretty and delicate. I love the roses all round the frame and such a clever idea. Thanks for sharing with us at Altered Eclectics
