Ponavadi ne izdelujem čestitk, a sem si zaželela malo poigrati z ostanki papirjev in dodatki. Za postavitev čestitke nisem imela nič načrtovanega ampak sem stvari postavljala tam, kjer se mi je zdelo, da najbolje pašejo. In upam, da bom s pomočjo čestitke priklicala spomlad nazaj, saj nam je kar za nekaj časa spet pobegnila, pa tako toplo je že bilo...
I usually don't do cards, but I wanted to play with my scraps paper and accessories. I didn't have any special layout in my hade, I just put down paper as I thought it will look good. And I hope that with the help of this card the spring will come back because it ran away and it was soo warm already.
CRAFT-alnica : Cvetje
Crafts4eternity : anything goes
Craftitude : Anything goes or add brad
četrtek, 27. marec 2014
ponedeljek, 17. marec 2014
Čestitka/ Card
Ko sem videla tutorial te čestitke, sem si jo zelo želela narediti, saj je potek izdelavo preprost, končni izdelek pa prekrasen.
When I saw the tutorial for this card, I really wanted to try it because it looks easy and the card looks great.
Ko sem naredila čestitko, sem naredila še okras za levi kot. Free digi je od Lizzy Love in sicer luštkan samorog, ki sem ga prilepila na valovito lepenko, dodala stickpin z rozastim metuljčkom in rozaste bunkice.
When I finished the card I did a decoration for the left corner. I used a free digi from Lizzy Love and it is a cute unicorn, I glued him on a corrugated board, added a stickpin with a pink butterfly and some pearls.
Tako pa izgleda del čestitke, kjer lahko napišem voščilo.
This is where I can write the geetings.
Na tej povezavi lahko dobite dostop do samoroga in vse dodatne podatke o Lizzy Love. / On this link you can get the free digi and all the information about Lizzy Love
Lizzy Love
Izziv/ Challenge :
Oddball art Stamp Co. - first challenge use digi
When I saw the tutorial for this card, I really wanted to try it because it looks easy and the card looks great.
Ko sem naredila čestitko, sem naredila še okras za levi kot. Free digi je od Lizzy Love in sicer luštkan samorog, ki sem ga prilepila na valovito lepenko, dodala stickpin z rozastim metuljčkom in rozaste bunkice.
When I finished the card I did a decoration for the left corner. I used a free digi from Lizzy Love and it is a cute unicorn, I glued him on a corrugated board, added a stickpin with a pink butterfly and some pearls.
Tako pa izgleda del čestitke, kjer lahko napišem voščilo.
This is where I can write the geetings.
Na tej povezavi lahko dobite dostop do samoroga in vse dodatne podatke o Lizzy Love. / On this link you can get the free digi and all the information about Lizzy Love
Lizzy Love
Izziv/ Challenge :
Oddball art Stamp Co. - first challenge use digi
petek, 7. marec 2014
To sem jaz/ This is me
Mi ustvarjalci velikokrat ustvarjamo lepe stvari za druge in ob tem uporabimo najlepši papir, štampiljke, trakove in ves drug ustvarjalen material, ki ga imamo, a ob vsem tem, pa pozabimo nase. Tudi zase lahko kdaj porabimo, tisti najlepši papir, ki ga šparamo na dnu omare, da ga bomo uporabili, za ljubljeno osebo.
Ko sem na Pinterest našla dnevniška vprašanja o sebi in svoji zgodovini, sem se odločila, da bom za to uporabila najljubši ustvarjalni material.
We artists often create beautiful things for others, using the best paper, stamps, ribbons and all the other craft material, that we have, but often we forget about us. We can all so use the beautiful paper for ourself. When I saw on Pinterest journaling promps about your history, I decided that I will do that and use the material that I like.
Poiskala sem a5 zvezek, platnice oblekla v scrapbook papir, iztrgala nekaj listov, dodala dodatke notranjo stran platnic oblekla v pink papir in zvezek je nared za dnevniške zapiske o meni.
Ker je nekaj elementov sprintanih iz neta in so zastojn bom podala linke do njih.
Because some things are printed of the internet and are freebies, I will share the links.
Tag/ Tag : georgiannalane
Vstopnice/ Tickets : Izgubila sem link, če kdo ve, lahko napiše v komentar.
I lost the link, if anybody knows you can write it in comments.
Izzivi/ Challenges:
Crafts4eternity - Spots and stripes
Craftitude challenges - Anything goes oradd green
CRAFT-alnica Vintage roses
Upam, da sem vas navdihnila, da boste naredile nekaj zase iz svojih najljubših materialov.
I hope I inspired you, to make something for yourself from your favorite craft material.
Ko sem na Pinterest našla dnevniška vprašanja o sebi in svoji zgodovini, sem se odločila, da bom za to uporabila najljubši ustvarjalni material.
We artists often create beautiful things for others, using the best paper, stamps, ribbons and all the other craft material, that we have, but often we forget about us. We can all so use the beautiful paper for ourself. When I saw on Pinterest journaling promps about your history, I decided that I will do that and use the material that I like.
Poiskala sem a5 zvezek, platnice oblekla v scrapbook papir, iztrgala nekaj listov, dodala dodatke notranjo stran platnic oblekla v pink papir in zvezek je nared za dnevniške zapiske o meni.
I took A5 notebook, dressed the covers with scrapbook paper, ripped out a few pages, add accessories, inside the covers I glued pink paper and notebook is ready for journaling promps about me.
Ker je nekaj elementov sprintanih iz neta in so zastojn bom podala linke do njih.
Because some things are printed of the internet and are freebies, I will share the links.
Tag/ Tag : georgiannalane
Vstopnice/ Tickets : Izgubila sem link, če kdo ve, lahko napiše v komentar.
I lost the link, if anybody knows you can write it in comments.
Izzivi/ Challenges:
Crafts4eternity - Spots and stripes
Craftitude challenges - Anything goes oradd green
CRAFT-alnica Vintage roses
Upam, da sem vas navdihnila, da boste naredile nekaj zase iz svojih najljubših materialov.
I hope I inspired you, to make something for yourself from your favorite craft material.
Predelana škatlica/ Altered box
Na raznih blogih mnogokrat vidim škatlice, ki jih blogerji naredijo sami iz scrapbook papirja, ker sama nisem tako natančna sem se odločila, da bom malo pogoljufala in predelala že narejeno škatlico.
At various blogs I often see boxes that you make yourself out of scrapbook paper because I'm not so precise, I decided that I will cheat a little and altered a box.

Kupila sem si kremo za obraz in se odločila, da bo ta prava škatlica za predelavo, prvo sem jo 2x premazala z gesso-tom, da sem jo pripravila na nadaljnjo delo.
I bought myself a face cream and decided that this is the right box for altering, first I painted twice with gesso that I prepared the box for further work.
Nato sem zmešala modro, zeleno in belo akrilno barvo, da sem dobila mint barvo, ki mi je zelo všeč. Z rjavo akrilno barvo sem odtisnila kroge, dodala tanki papir za teksturo.
Then I mixed blue, green and white acrylic paint so that I got a mint color, which I really like. With the brown acrylic paint I stamped circles, add a thin paper for the texture.
Dodala sem različne papirje in slike, ki sem jih spravila. Na sliki levo, lahko vidite kako sem okrasila vse štiri strani. Lepila sem z Mod Podge, ko sem vse nalepila, sem čez vse 4 strani šla še enkrat z Mod Podgom, da sem zaščitila površino. Ko se je lepilo posušilo, sem še natanko premazala z otroškim pudrom, da se nebi lepilo.
Tako pa sem okrasilo glavno stran škatle.
This is how I decorated the main side of the box.
At various blogs I often see boxes that you make yourself out of scrapbook paper because I'm not so precise, I decided that I will cheat a little and altered a box.
Kupila sem si kremo za obraz in se odločila, da bo ta prava škatlica za predelavo, prvo sem jo 2x premazala z gesso-tom, da sem jo pripravila na nadaljnjo delo.
I bought myself a face cream and decided that this is the right box for altering, first I painted twice with gesso that I prepared the box for further work.
Nato sem zmešala modro, zeleno in belo akrilno barvo, da sem dobila mint barvo, ki mi je zelo všeč. Z rjavo akrilno barvo sem odtisnila kroge, dodala tanki papir za teksturo.
Then I mixed blue, green and white acrylic paint so that I got a mint color, which I really like. With the brown acrylic paint I stamped circles, add a thin paper for the texture.
Dodala sem različne papirje in slike, ki sem jih spravila. Na sliki levo, lahko vidite kako sem okrasila vse štiri strani. Lepila sem z Mod Podge, ko sem vse nalepila, sem čez vse 4 strani šla še enkrat z Mod Podgom, da sem zaščitila površino. Ko se je lepilo posušilo, sem še natanko premazala z otroškim pudrom, da se nebi lepilo.
I added a variety of papers and pictures that I had. In the
picture to the left, you can see how I decorate all four sides. I glued with
Mod Podge, when I glued all, I glued all 4
sides again with Mod Podgom so that I protect the surface. When
the glue was dried, I added a baby powder, so that the stickiness would go
This is how I decorated the main side of the box.
Prvo sem nalepila male srebrne perlice, dodala starinsko slikico gospe s klobučkom, na njo nalepila rafijo, dodala stickpin z metuljčkom in nalepila črne bisere.
First I glued small silver beads, added antique picture a lady with a hat, glued raffia, add stickpin with butterfly and glue black pearls.
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