I did a swap with a friend that I met on atcsforall.com. We decided that we will do an art journal swap. I got her art journal some time ago, but it took me some time to complete it and send it to her. I used aquarelle paper, the front and the back is made from a box that I saved and recycled. For binding I used a cotton thread and added some pearls and a key.
Da ne bi bil dnevnik preveč dolgočasen sem vanj dodala tudi tage. Ob ustvarjanju dnevnika sem zelo uživala in se nisem obremenjevala z izidom. Uporabila sem razne tehnike in načine in vsaka stran je drugačna.. no skoraj vsaka :)
I didn't want the journal to be to bored so I included some tags in it. As I was working in this journal I enjoyed it. I used a lot of diffrent technikque and every page is different... well almost all are different :)
In še presenečenje :) kadar sem naredila album, ki je imel več strani in bi jih bilo težko poslikat in tudi slike ne pokažejo veliko, sem razmišljala, kako fajn bi bilo narediti video in vam na ta način bolje pokazati podrobnosti albuma. No, pa sem se lotila tudi tega projekta. Morem priznat, da sem si predstavljala, da bo vse skupaj bilo težje in bolj zakomplicirano, a najtežje pri vsem tem je bila uporaba in nastavitev stojala. Upam, da boste v video uživali in komentarji so dobrodošli.
And for a surprise :) Always when i did an album I wanted to share with you how it looks and I couldn't take a picture of every page because it would be to many pictures and I always wished I could do a video to show the album to you. So guess what? I did! It wasn't so hard as I thought it would be, it is really easy. The biggest problem I had was with the tripod. I hope you enjoy the video and any comments are very welcome.