ponedeljek, 18. januar 2016

Whimsical girl

To risbo sem narisala, ko sem hotela sprobati svoje nove voščenke neocolor II, katere sem si privoščila s svojo prvo plačo, saj sem si jih zelo želela in sem se odločila, da sem bom razvajala. Zelo rada rišem obraze, a mi nosovi še vedno nagajajo.

I draw this when I wanted to try out my new neocolor II, that I bought with my first paycheck, I really wanted them, so I decided I will treat myself. I love to draw whimsical faces, but I still have problems with the noses.

Tudi ozadje je narejeno z neocolor voščenkami. Zelo mi je všeč, ker se jih da uporabljati v kombinaciji z vodo in ne izgubijo pigmenta, super pa se tudi med seboj mešajo.

The background is also done with neocoloor II. I like that you can use them with water and they don't lose their pigment, they also blend nicely together.

Punčka je bila narisana na akvarelni papir, ki sem ga odrezala na velikost, ki paše v okvir za fotografije. Tudi okvir sem polepšala s papirjem, ki ga uporabljam za podlago, ko se igram z barvami.

The girl was draw on the aquarel paper, I cut it down, so it goes nicely in to the frame. I altered the frame with my drop paper.

nedelja, 3. januar 2016


V teh prazničnih dneh sem naredila nekaj čestitk. Želela sem, da so preproste. Za osnovo sem si izbrala črn karton, za dodatke pa sem uporabila ostanke papirje.

In this holiday time, I did some cards, I wanted them to be very simple. I used black cardstock and the embellishment is from some scraps of paper.