Pred koncem poletja sva se s fantom odločila, da greva še na kratek dopust, ker jaz še nikoli nisem bila v bližini reke Soče, sva se odločila, da greva v tiste kraje, natančneje v Bovec. Še prej pa sva se ustavila v Vintgarju, saj tudi tega nisva obiskala, ker je bil zaprt, ko sva se nazadnje potepala po teh krajih.
I and my
boyfriend decided before the summer ends we will go on a trip. I never visited
any place near river Soca, so we decided we would go to Bovec. But before
that, we stopped at Vintgar because we never been there.
Vstopnina za odrasle je 4€. Pot je dolga 1,6 km in ves čas
te obdaja prečudovita narava in šum reke. Skozi Vintgar teče reka Radovna. Pričakovala
sem, da bo bolj mrzlo, ampak je dejansko bilo sveže, le na določenih delih in
osvežitev je bila prav prijetna.
fee for adults is 4€. The footpath is 1,6 km (0.99 mi) long and all the time you are surrounded
with a beautiful nature and the sound of river. Through Vintgar flows river
Radovna. I thought it would be colder there, but in fact it was cold only on
few spots and the refreshment was great.
1,6 km dolga soteska Vintgar je zarezana med veličastnimi navpičnimi stenami hribov Homa in Boršta, krasi pa jo reka Radovna s slapovi, tolmuni in brzicami. Čez sotesko je po lesenih mostovih in Žumrovih galerijah speljana učna pešpot, ki se zaključi z mogočnim 13 m visokim rečnim slapom Šum. V Vintgarju sta tudi dve zanimivosti, ki jih je zgradila človeška roka. Kamnit enoločni most bohinjske železnice, zgrajene leta 1906, ki 33,5 m nad potjo preči sotesko, in jez, od koder je voda speljana do male hidroelektrarne Vintgar pod Šumom. (
The 1.6 km long Vintgar gorge carves its way through the vertical rocks of the Hom and Bort hills and is graced by the Radovna with its waterfalls, pools and rapids. The educational trail leads you over wooden bridges and Žumr’s galleries, and ends with a bridge overlooking the mighty 13 m high Šum waterfall. The Vintgar gorge also includes two man-made sights. The single-arch stone bridge of the Bohinj railway, constructed in 1906, which crosses the gorge 33.5 m above the trail, and the dam from which the water is routed to the small Vintgar hydroelectric power plant under the Šum waterfall.(
Ime vintgar naj bi po eni razlagi izviralo iz nemškega Weingarten – po vinogradih v bližnjem Podhomu, po drugi naj bi nastalo, ker prerez soteske spominja na vinski kozarec. Po Blejskem vintgarju so dobile ime tudi druge podobne soteske v Sloveniji. (
To one interpretation, the name Vintgar originates from German Weingarten (the vineyards in the nearby Podhom), whilst the other interpretation says that the gorge section reminds on the wine glass. Following the example of Bled's Vintgar such names were also given to other similar gorges in Slovenia. (
Na zgornji sliki lahko vidite znamenito zlaganje skal in kamnov, v bistvo lahko to zasledimo na več mestih, prav tako na Soči in na začetku Vršiča. Vso potepanje sem se spraševala, kaj to pomeni, in nato sem odkrila, da so na tak način včasih označevali pohodniške poti, da si vedel kam zaviti in če si na pravi poti.
On the picture above you can see stacking rocks and stones on each other, we saw this on many places on our trip. I didn't know what this means and I was very curious what the meaning of this is and then I discovered that this is a way the hiking trails were identified so the hikers knew they are on the right trail.
Tako nas pa na konc poti pričaka 13 m visok rečni slap Šum, ki se izliva v lepo kotanjo in smo ponovno deležni čudovitih barv narave.
So on the end of the path this is how a 13m high waterfall Sum awaits for us. It flows in to a pool and we can again enjoy the wonderful colors of nature.
Pot v Bovec naju je vodila preko prelaza Predel, kjer sva imela čudovit pogled na Julijske Alpe. V rimskih časih je tukaj potekala pomembna trgovska pot. V času Napoleonovih osvajanj pa je Trdnjava Predel imela pomembno vlogo pri obrambi njegovih čet.
The road to Bovec led us through the Predil Pass and we had an awesome view on Julian Alps. In Roman times this was a very important trade route. During the Napoleons conquests, the Fortress plays an important role in the defense of his troops.
V prihodnjih dneh sledi še objava iz Bovca, upam, da vam je bila današnja objava všeč.
In the next days, there will be a post about Bovec, I hope you liked today's post.