Prikazala bom enostaven način, kako si lahko s stvarmi, ki bi jih vrgli v smeti, naredimo lastne tage.
I will show you how you can make your own tags using things that you would normally throw away.
1) Tage bomo naredili iz starih škatel. Prvo treba škatlo odpreti, tako da jo razrežemo in obdržimo vse, iz česar lahko naredimo tage, tagi so lahko različnih velikosti in oblik.
We will do the tags from old cardboard boxes. First we must open the box so that you cut and retain all the pieces of which you can make tags, the tags can be diffrent shapes and sizes.
2) Nato na škatlo narišemo pravokotnik poljubnih velikosti. Jaz sem se odločila za 10,5 cm x 5 cm.
Then we draw a rectangle in any size you want your tag to be. Mine was 10,5 cm x 5cm.
3) Da sem dobila obliko taga, sem si na tegu prvo poiskala sredino, nato sam si označila cm v vsako stran, nato pa se od navpičnih stranic 1cm, in dobljena trikotnika sem samo odrezala.
To get the tag shape, I search for the middle on the tag and I marked 1cm in each side. Then I marked from vertical sides 1cm and then I just cut the triangle.
4) Tagi so lahko tudi drugačnih oblik. Za to obliko, sem prvo narisala pol krog, oz sem poiskala okroglo škatlico želene velikosti, in nato sem samo potegnila s svinčnikom strani.
Tags can also be different shapes. For this design, I first drew a half circle, with a round shape box and then I just draw lines with pencils.
5) Za lepljenje papirja sem uporabila lepilo v stiku.
To glue the paper I used a Glue Stick.
6) Nato sem poiskala vse ostanke, papirja, ki jih tako veselo zbiram in kopičim.
Then I searched for all the scraps of paper that I'm hoarding.
7) Tako izgleda največji tag, ki sem ga naredila, dodala sem ostanke papirja in nato še dekorativni lepilni trak. Robove pa sem obarvala s črno blazinico za štampiljke.
So this is how the biggest tag looks like, I added the scraps of paper
and some decorative tape and I distressed the edges with a black color.
crafts4eternity - use up some scraps
creativefingerschallenge- anything goes
ponedeljek, 28. april 2014
nedelja, 20. april 2014
#7 ATC
Pa smo pri zadnji kartici ta teden. Morem rečti, da je bilo zelo zabavno izdelovati kartice, mogoče si bom naslednjič naredila seznam, kaj bom kateri dan naredila, da ne bom tako brez idej. ATC je velikonočno obarvana, kot se za ta čas spodobi. Zelo mi je všeč papir, ki kuka iz ozadja, prilepila sem ostanek črnega prtička, dodala sliko pirhov in malo bling blinga.
And we are at the last ATC for this week. It was fun doing ATCs every day, but the next time I will do a list what will I do each day, so I won't be without an idea what to do. This ATC is Easter inspired, as it should be for this time around. I like the background paper, I added a black doilie, a picture of Easter eggs and some bling bling.
P.S. Priporočam, da 23.4. pridete kaj na obisk, saj vas bo čakalo nekaj sladkega.
Come and visit may blog on 23.4. because there will be waiting something sweet for you.
And we are at the last ATC for this week. It was fun doing ATCs every day, but the next time I will do a list what will I do each day, so I won't be without an idea what to do. This ATC is Easter inspired, as it should be for this time around. I like the background paper, I added a black doilie, a picture of Easter eggs and some bling bling.
P.S. Priporočam, da 23.4. pridete kaj na obisk, saj vas bo čakalo nekaj sladkega.
Come and visit may blog on 23.4. because there will be waiting something sweet for you.
sobota, 19. april 2014
#6 ATC
Z današnjo kartico, pa vam pošiljam ljubezen ;) ozadje je narejeno z vodenimi barvami, dodala sem štampiljko srca in z nalepkami nalepila besedo love.
With today's card I'm sending you some love ;) the background is made with water colors, I added a stamp with heart and some stickers to spell word love.
petek, 18. april 2014
#5 ATC
Pa smo že pri 5 dnevu, samo še dva, teden se hitro obrne. Ozadje te kartice sem pobarvala z vodenimi barvami, mucko pa z akvarelnimi barvicami in dodala napis.
And we are at the day 5, only two more days to go. I made the background with water colors and the little kitty is painted with aquarelle pencils.
Free digi
četrtek, 17. april 2014
#4 ATC
Današnja četrta kartica pa je v stilu zentangles. Ta stil imam rada, saj se ob njem zabavam in sprostim
Today's fourth card is in the style of zentangles. I love this style because it's fun and relax.
sreda, 16. april 2014
#3 ATC
Današnja tretja kartica je bila kar izziv, kar sem imela v mislih ni uspelo, pa sem se odločila, da se ne bom sekirala in naredila kolaž ATC, pri roki sem imela nekaj papirčkov, poiskala slike, ki so mi padle v oči in dodala pinki dekorativni trak, pa naj še kdo reče, da tale kartica ni drzna.
Today's third card was quite a challenge, what I had in mind did not succeed, but I decided I won't be angry and made a collage ATC , I had some paper on hand, search for some images, and added a Pink decorative tape, and I end up with a bold ATC.
torek, 15. april 2014
#2 ATC
Pa smo že pri drugi kartici v tem tednu. Prvo sem jo premazala z gessotom, jo pošpricala z mojimi DIY razpršili v sinje modri in vijoličasti barvi. Naredila vzorec s pomočjo strukturne barve in ga pobarvala vijoličasto, ter dodala pol perle.
Here we have the second card this week. First I painted the background with gesso, used my sprays in blue and violet color. I did a pattern with the structure paint and painted violet, then I added half pearls.
ponedeljek, 14. april 2014
#1 ATC
Ta teden bo zame teden ATC in sicer bom vsak dan naredila eno kartico in jo objavila. Upam, da mi bo načrt uspel kljub velikonočnim praznikom.
This week is for me ATC week, I will do a card a day the whole week. I hope I I succeed
although there are gone be Easter holidays.
Prva karta je mixed media stil, kjer sem uporabila ostanke scrapbook papirja za ozadje, premazala ozadje z gessom, nato barvala in packala z akrilnimi in dodala dekorativni lepilni trak.
First card is mixed media, I used scraps of scrapbook paper for the background, painted with gesso, and played with acrylic paint and added decorative tape.
This week is for me ATC week, I will do a card a day the whole week. I hope I I succeed
although there are gone be Easter holidays.
Prva karta je mixed media stil, kjer sem uporabila ostanke scrapbook papirja za ozadje, premazala ozadje z gessom, nato barvala in packala z akrilnimi in dodala dekorativni lepilni trak.
First card is mixed media, I used scraps of scrapbook paper for the background, painted with gesso, and played with acrylic paint and added decorative tape.
sreda, 9. april 2014
Velikonočni okrasek/ Easter decoration
Zelo hitro se približujejo velikonočni prazniki, in kot vsak
praznik, si tudi velikonočni zasluži svoje okraske in dekoracije, v obliki
jajčkov, piščančkov, zajčkov in še marsičesa. Tudi jaz sem naredila dekoracijo za
na vrata in ob njeni izdelavi sem se zelo zabavala.
Easter holidays are coming very fast and like all the holidays Easter also deserves its ornaments and decorations in the form of eggs, chicken, bunnies and much more. I did a decoration for the doors and I had a lot of fun doing it.
Na tag sem diagonalno nalepila zelen washi tape, iz te strani sprintala zajčka in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami, dodala perje in iz scrapbook papirja izrezala ključek, distressala robove, ob strani nalepila pol perle, dodala vrvico iz stare darilne vrečke in tagec je bil narejen.
I glued green washi tape on a tag, from this site I printed a bunny and colored him with aquarelle pencils, I added some fethers and I cut a key from a scrapbook paper, distressed the edges glue a half pearls and added a string from an old gift bag and the tag was finished.
Izzivi/ Challenges
Mavelu - Mesečni izziv april (manila tagec No. 8 , distress blazinica)
Crafts4eternity - anything but a card
artbymiran - anything goes
P.S. : Kako veš, da si izdelek kupil pri Mavelu? Poišči, če ima izdelek nalepko z navodili in nasveti, ki jih je napisala Marina in na vsak izdelek nalepila ;)
ponedeljek, 7. april 2014
Graphic 45 ATC
Zelo kratka in hitra objava. Na AFA forumu sodelujem pri izmenjavi ATC kartic kjer je glavna tema papir znamke Graphic 45, ki ima preprosto prečudovite papirje. Odločila sem se, da vam pokažem kartice, ki sem jih jaz naredila za izmenjavo.
Very fast and short post. On AFA forum I participate in the exchange of ATC cards where the main topic is Graphic 45, which has beautiful paper. I decided to show you the cards, that I did for the swap.
Very fast and short post. On AFA forum I participate in the exchange of ATC cards where the main topic is Graphic 45, which has beautiful paper. I decided to show you the cards, that I did for the swap.
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